Post by amanda on Feb 9, 2011 20:48:08 GMT -5
Amanda wasn't sure why she walked into an empty room for. Hell maybe it was because today she felt like not being bothered. And who went to a classroom when there wasn't a class. Hell people here didn't even go when class was in session. So she was sure, unlike all her other adventures, this one would be successful. Or hell she knew somewhere deep down nothing in this place was a success. Okay it didn't cause her to flip out those were success' but she wanted ALONE time. No one gave her that here. It sucked.
So she walked in to the classroom with only her book and ipod in hand, not worrying about her guitar. She had to concentrate on reading. Othello was her favorite play, it was her personal copy. It also held so much writing in it that most people woudln't get anything cause she scribbled all over the place. But she could read it perfectly and she turned up her music loud enough so anyone who walked in cood here the Metallica blaring in her ears.
She scooted into a seat and opened the book propping her legs up on the desk as she silently read, not paying attention to her surroundings, hell not even the music. It all drifted away when she had started to read.
notes: eh it sucks ass XD sorry it'll get better i just SUCKISh at starting Xd but someone has too
Post by summer on Feb 11, 2011 13:51:12 GMT -5
I'm a troublemaker, not a double taker The room was locked up and she was out in the hallway. Today, was a bad day, because Summer had tests and she didn't have anything to pop, but on test days that sucked because well she got a little shakey because her system was so use to being corrupted. The firing path would be a bad route to take on with Summer today, because she would pry bite someone's head off, but that was because she could be a bitch in general sometimes. What girl wasn't though? Though she didn't have a roomate she could here everything in the damn in that damn wing it seemed. Looking around to make sure no one was looking she snuck into a classroom that she thought had no one in it.
The music was a dead givaway of another person in the room. She was going to blow her ears out no? She sighed slightly, because really she wanted to be more alone then she already had been and someone beat her to the room. The girl seemed like she could read with music in. It was a little too harcore for her and this music was going to interrupt her studying. She sat two desks down and took out her stuff. She sat there so when the girl looked over she would notice her because she didn't want to interupt her.
Her bag fell off her desk though creating a loud thud in th room. It was possible she might be able to hea it over her music, but maybe not. "I'm sorry." she muttered scrambling for stuff that had fallen out. She got shakey sometimes when the pills weren't there and well it made her clumsy.
tag;amanda lyrics; troublemaker, weezer clothes; here layout; (c) to CELI ?! notes; hope this works : )
Post by amanda on Feb 13, 2011 16:16:00 GMT -5
Amanda had drifted into her own little world, something that happened when she was only truly peaceful. Which didn't happen often anymore but used to be a reoccurring thing. Especially when she was a young child. She was always aimlessly drifting into her little place full of happy thoughts. It was her way of copping with everything, dealing with problems and just all around entertaining herself.
So here with her book and music and no one around to bother her, that was where she went. Mandy World. She couldn't hear the music or see the words on the page. All she saw was little old her, it wasn't a happy dream. It was her rape, all over again, then it was her mom denying everything. Amanda in tears for a long time, never quite getting over it. Then she snapped out of it as her music changed and she heard the slam of the door and she clicked pause and wiped the tears from her eyes.
She cast a look around and found a girl sitting there, doing whatever it was the girl was doing.To her it seemed like studying but Amanda had no such clue. Though when she dropped her stuff, Amanda walked over. "Hey. Do you need help?"
The punk rocker looking girl wasn't just a punk rocker(though that was a true stereotype if not completely correct) she also was a smart girly girl. That was one thing, though she hid the girly part of her well. But the smart part, was very hard to hide. Especially when she usually offered tutoring to anyone who needed it. Even Seniors, hell she had already taken some of the classes they were. But the school lost all her crap and she had to start over again. Which she thought sucked.
"The name is Amanda," she said sitting in the seat in front of her. "What are you even working on?"
notes: eh sorry it kind of sucks ass
Post by summer on Feb 15, 2011 2:18:19 GMT -5
I'm a troublemaker, not a double taker Summer felt like she was being the interruption now. She pushed some of her hair back and smiled as the girl knelt down and began to help her pic up her stuff. "Thanks." she said in a greatful tone. People at Hawthrone sometimes we more nice then they we're really made out to be sometimes. They all had issues and you never really knew sometimes.
That was why Summer had her gaurd up and wellshe tended to try not to judge. Though people usually snapped at her especially girls and she wasn't really sure why. "Mine's Summer nice to meet you Amanda." she said and managed to put everything on her desk. She stood up and offered her a hand to be nice, because well she had been nice to her. The girl was pretty. A lot of pretty girls went here. That was what Summer tended to notice. The prettier you were on the outisde sometimes the more messed up you were on the insides. Well, in her case that was true. She wasn't concited, but she found it to be factual.
"Um I'm going to work on my math homework, and then possible write up my essay for English..what class are you reading for?" she asked curiously to keep up the conversation. Homework was not her fortay. She wished it would somehow do itself, but she didn't want to fail and stay in Hawthrone an extra year.
[/size][/blockquote][/blockquote] tag;amanda lyrics; troublemaker, weezer clothes; here layout; (c) to CELI ?! notes; hope this works : )
Post by amanda on Feb 16, 2011 19:38:36 GMT -5
Amanda wasn't one of those horrible people that acted nice and turned around to bitch at someone the next minute. No when she didn't mind the person she was always nice. The bitchiness was for the people she was still scared of to say the least. Which were a lot of people at this crappy school, yeah a lot of people. This girl wasn't one of them, for many reasons. She wasn't a guy and she didn't seem like someone Amanda would need to hide from. No, but her guard was still up, she just didn't feel like bitching until she left. Instead she'd help. Hell it was the easiest thing, homework and tutoring.
She nodded, math and English were her greatest classes and the easiest. "Oh I could help you with either of those if need be." She smiled and looked down Othello, "Uh no class. It's for the hell of it." She shrugged, it was her favorite play of all time, and she never got tired of it. Ever. It was her favorite Shakespearian play, She shrugged and looked down at her book and closed it, hell she could read anytime. When did she meet someone she might actually like? Hardly ever.