Post by october2 on Nov 19, 2010 13:59:04 GMT -5
JOSEPH C. DE'LUCA [/b][/color][/font] J O E . C O U N C E L O R . U N D E R S T A N D I N G . F U N N Y .[/font] W H A T Y O U N E E D TO K N OW . W H A T Y O U N E E D T O K N O W .[/font] THE BACKGROUND STORY[/b][/color][/font] W H A T Y O U N E E D TO K N OW . W H A T Y O U N E E D T O K N O W .[/font] meet joseph, prefers to be called joe. he was born and raised in seattle, washington until he turned seventeen. he used to attend hawthorne when he was a junior and senior for drug and alcohol abuse, but now he's back as one of the new additions to the staff. joe is the type of person who likes to turn anything into something funny to break the tension or to keep someone happy. he tries to use his creative skills to make sessions with him more enjoyable and easy going. he likes to keep his work professional and is very understanding of the situation the students are in, seeing as he was in it as well. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[/justify] T H O S E A C C O M P L I C E S . T H O S E A C C O M P L I C E S .[/font] THE MUNDANE FRIENDS[/b][/color][/font] T H O S E A C C O M P L I C E S . T H O S E A C C O M P L I C E S .[/font] joe is probably bound to have many of his patients as friends. why? because he gets along with them more than the staff. he knows what it's like to be stuck at hawthorne so he's very determined to make their experience there more enjoyable than his. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[/justify] T H O S E V I L L A I N S . T H O S E V I L L A I N S .[/font] THE FURIOUS FOES[/b][/color][/font] T H O S E V I L L A I N S . T H O S E V I L L A I N S .[/font] joe may or may not have any enemies, i guess it just depends on the person. maybe a patient who is fed up with the fact he's so 'understanding' and doesn't think he really cares about them? or even another staff member who dislikes how he treats the patients as friends and not as patients. just try and make it interesting. - - - - - - - - - - - -
[/justify] T H O S E S M I T T E N K I D S . T H O S E S M I T T E N K I D S .[/font] THE LATE NIGHT LOVERS[/b][/color][/font] T H O S E S M I T T E N K I D S . T H O S E S M I T T E N K I D S .[/font] i don't think he'd have any lovers at hawthorne. maybe students who flirt with him or something like that, but nothing more. if you want to discuss something deeper for joe and your character, please pm me (: - - - - - - - - - - - -
[/justify] T H E U N K N O W N S . T H E U N K N O W N S . T H E U N K N O W N S .[/font] THE MILLIONS OF OTHERS[/b][/color][/font] T H E U N K N O W N S . T H E U N K N O W N S . T H E U N K N O W N S .[/font] joe does have a couple of younger sisters...they could possibly be here as staff or patients, but i would love if someone could take at least one of them on (: - - - - - - - -
Post by eliza on Nov 19, 2010 23:28:16 GMT -5
Eliza&[/size]&Joseph[/size] Maybe him and Eliza can have a session, and she could be difficult because she doesn't find anything wrong with being an alcoholic. She also believes that at least she's not into the harsher drugs and so it isn't as bad.
Post by aimee on Nov 20, 2010 12:26:01 GMT -5
Amanda and Joseph
AH, Amanda, I'll say that she'll definitely be freaking out during a session and that could be some major fun. I'm thinking that maybe he tries to ask her why she's so afraid of men, and she'd definitely be all quiet and if he tried to be all understanding I see her lashing out and possibly hitting him if it goes too far.
Belle and Joseph
I see her flirting with him during a session XD but other than that not sure
Max and Joseph
I can see him testing Joseph and the boundaries of his 'understanding'. he doesn't believe anyone actually cares about other people and would tell that to him and it could cause some heated argument.
Post by october2 on Nov 21, 2010 18:41:42 GMT -5
JOSEPH & ELIZA joe would try to get her to understand that she has a problem and would try and work on it with her as much as he possibly could. he'd show her what a life of alcohol would lead up to and hope that she'd get the picture.
JOSEPH & AMANDA aha , that would be pretty interesting to rp it all out (: he'd try and make the sessions together as comfortable for her as possible , even if it meant dressing up like a woman xD
JOSEPH & BELLE hm , he'd probably be uncomfortable around her , but would eventually feel nothing but flattered by it . i can see joe acting all awkward whenever he's near her lol
JOSEPH & MAX that could turn out to be fairly interesting (: joe would try his best to keep his temper under control , but eventually he'd snap a bit .
Post by eliza on Nov 21, 2010 18:46:09 GMT -5
Wanna start a thread with the two as a therapy time?
Post by october2 on Nov 21, 2010 18:47:34 GMT -5
JOSEPH & ELIZA sure (: though could you start ? i still need to start a few for calista lol
Post by maxwell ralph sheppard on Nov 21, 2010 18:48:03 GMT -5
Joseph and Amanda:
I say, we start something XD sounds fun to rp out I kind of enjoy Amanda's crazy phobia, it makes everything more fun
Belle and Joseph:
That could be interesting, she doesn't usually mean anything about it. She tries her hardest to get over it and be good(she's god obsessed) but it's like an urge that causes her to feel like she'll explode.
Max and Joseph:
That sounds fun. Max will try and push him to yell. He enjoys confrontations.
Post by october2 on Nov 21, 2010 19:05:48 GMT -5
JOSEPH & AMANDA oh yes we much start a thread for the two (:
JOSEPH & BELLE aha , would still be fairly interesting lol .
JOSEPH & MAX joe would probably see as much and wouldn't try to give max what he wants .
Post by maxwell ralph sheppard on Nov 21, 2010 19:17:02 GMT -5
Amanda and Joseph
I'll make one after my posts XD
max and Joseph
We should thread it i sounds fun
Belle and Joseph
would be kind of interesting
Post by eliza on Nov 21, 2010 19:23:05 GMT -5
Joseph & Max & Eliza? As in their both alcoholics, but Eliza has plenty of problems to deal with But they both know each other. And he could see her get escorted there and try to rescue her for more fun