Post by hugheyvandaan on Jun 18, 2011 17:26:50 GMT -5
okay so, helloooo. i guess the majority of you don't know me because i left the site awhile back to focus on school. i'm cimone and before i went by hill. i used to be a really big member on the site, i guess. i played rudy and leo and i was gonna do the gossip thing and, yeah. but! now i am back and i have a ton of suggestions!
first of all. activity. there is almost no activity. sy can go virtually an entire day without a post and both of the cboxes will go silent for hours at a time. it's just not acceptable. if i were new, i'd have a look at the activity list and the threads and i'd be out of here in a minute because it looks like sy is dying, fast. we need new, active members and the old members need to be active too. posting once a week honestly isn't going to cut it. if you have a character, use them! whether it be in icc or an im thread or a real thread or even in the games. just don't let them sit there! and if you aren't going to use a character and you know it, just get rid of them. you might be keeping a possible new member away because you're (not even) using their favorite pb.
while talking about pbs, honestly, i feel as if we need more variety. most of the characters on here would be identified as scene kids or rockers or something like that. don't get me wrong, that's all good and wonderful, but it makes the site look like that's all we're into. if someone wants to join as, let's say miley cyrus, and sees selena gomez as the only other disney pb while 93% of the other pbs are scene kids, it's discouraging. when you join a site, you want the possibility of having something in common with another person. you want picture plots. and if everyone else has pbs of one type and you're not into that type of pb, you think you won't fit in. maybe next time you choose to make a character, think about using robert pattinson or someone like him instead of joey eleven.
also, not trying to be offensive to anyone or anything, but almost every male character is bi (and leans towards men) or gay. it's harder for female characters to have a final or a boyfriend on the site because of it. if you're a girl, it isn't that hard playing a hetero guy. take it from me! it's actually pretty fun. and if you might want to and need some help, just send me a pm and i'll give you a million tips.
anyway, back to members. we need new members. a site won't survive if there are only nine or ten active people. it just won't. sy is lucky to have survived this long. we need to advertise, people. eliza and krista aren't the only ones that need to do it, either. everyone does. and really, it's not that hard to go on caution and randomly click on a few sites to paste our ad on. really, it's not that hard. to get people to advertise a little bit more, i made a couple of images that could link to the site. (01, 02, 03, 04, 05) if eliza and krista wanted, i think it'd be a great idea to use those images in an advertising contest. and like, whoever posts the most ads and draws the most new members in gets like a mod spot or whatever. it'd be a good way to get site spirit up and a little bit of competition never hurts!
doing member-y things won't hurt the site, either. making a shipper, developing plots and having a big thing happen every once in awhile is, like, great! have a sex addict character catch an std, have a druggie nearly overdose and die, have someone get pregnant and have to have an abortion, have a couple that has been going out for awhile have a major break up! it's called character development, people. and it makes rp fun! not to mention, it'll really help out the gossip column i'm going to be doing, which should also help the site out a lot.
anyway, that's all i can think of right now. it'd be cool if you guys replied to this with your thoughts and your own suggestions. LET'S GET SY ACTIVE AGAIN!
Post by jamesmichael on Jun 18, 2011 17:39:32 GMT -5
First off: Not every hour can a person be on the site. I know that starting July 9th, I'll HARDLY be on during the weekends. I'll have work, and if I get another job, I'll be on less frequently. Its impossible to have someone on at all hours.
Second: We've all been purging members that we don't really use anymore. Last activity check we got rid of a big chunk of them. We're going to do another activity check again soon.
Third: Every event that I think up, regardless of how far it goes. Never goes far. The masquerade ball? Went to selection of partners, and then creation of outfits. That was it. Seriously I can't force people to post.
Fourth: Lately I've seen people's muse die. I don't blame them. Mine at times is horrible, and I believe that I only have about 1 more thread to post on before I'm caught up.
Fifth: I was planning and talking out a advertising thing recently with Krista. I think its still in the works.
Sixth: People have been having issues with internet. V doesn't have access, Janet's been busy with bills and things, Gabby doesn't have access. Summer does this to people, they don't have access at school like they use to.
Post by ursareid on Jun 18, 2011 17:51:26 GMT -5
for the most part, i agree with everything hill is saying - the fact that most males characters are bi or gay, the huge amount of scene-ish characters, and, most of all, the member type things she is suggesting.
a. i know playing a gay male character is fun, but for people like me who mostly have girl characters, it's impossible to find lovers for them! cx this summer i'm planning on making more male characters though, i'd love if some people would help me... (:
b. for member type things, having a periodic dance once in a while shouldn't count as a site wide event - last dance we had, no one participated D: we need some more big plots that everyone will be interested in, so we should take a poll - a few of us should think of some side wide ideas, and then put them out in a poll to see what appeals most. also, eliza, the reason the masquerade ball didn't go anywhere because it wasn't hyped up enough, and no one encouraged anyone to post. plus, all we do for site wide events are dances, and it's actually kind of hard to roleplay through a whole dance process at a school.
c. i see a lot of people roleplaying out their major character events... in the icc. it just adds this horrible phoniness to it all, and i know not everyone has time to post, but people should really consider that if you want this to be a realistic site, you have to try hard. yes, it may be easy to rp things in icc and get it done with, but it's really no fun!
d. now i know i've done this as well, but it needs to stop: having other people make characters that are either a brother or sister, a close friend, or a lover or something to their character. it's like we're bringing someone's family here on sy, and all of their friends and bfs/gfs, and it's not adding much variety. i've only done this once, with marilyn and elena, but i know some people plan this all the time. again, it adds an unneeded phoniness.
that's pretty much it on my part. oh, and advertising. an advertising contest needs to be set up soon, i know you and krista have been planning it, eliza, but the last i heard talk of it was like in march. anyways, feedback is appreciated <3
p.s. having an activity check doesn't necessarily get rid of the problem of unactive characters. the person who roleplays that character may be active, and pass the check, but still won't use that character often. so again, as cimone said, if you have a characer and know you're not gonna use it, get rid of it c:
Post by hugheyvandaan on Jun 18, 2011 18:01:08 GMT -5
First off: Not every hour can a person be on the site. I know that starting July 9th, I'll HARDLY be on during the weekends. I'll have work, and if I get another job, I'll be on less frequently. Its impossible to have someone on at all hours.
Third: Every event that I think up, regardless of how far it goes. Never goes far. The masquerade ball? Went to selection of partners, and then creation of outfits. That was it. Seriously I can't force people to post.
Fourth: Lately I've seen people's muse die. I don't blame them. Mine at times is horrible, and I believe that I only have about 1 more thread to post on before I'm caught up.
Sixth: People have been having issues with internet. V doesn't have access, Janet's been busy with bills and things, Gabby doesn't have access. Summer does this to people, they don't have access at school like they use to.
[/quote] hi eliza! okay, so i realize that no one can be online all day, everyday. it's unrealistic and everyone has a life. HOWEVER. having a life doesn't give you a reason to never post or icc or do anything. being in the icc for twenty minutes is activity, posting in the games is activity, making an im thread is activity. i understand the whole not having internet thing, that's fine. those people are not the people i was aiming this post at. about the events, all i've pretty much seen are dances and dances are really hard and boring to rp out. something like a festival or a party would be insanely active because there are so many things that you can do. maybe try something like that out? and yeah, you can make force people to participate. maybe, instead of just a "post here if you're active" thread, make a certain event an activity check, so that everyone has to post! muses die, yeah. but still, it's no excuse to be inactive. if my muse dies, i spend a little while in icc and then it's up again. it does't take much to type up 200 words. [/blockquote][/blockquote][/blockquote][/size][/font][/justify][/sup]
Post by hugheyvandaan on Jun 18, 2011 18:07:37 GMT -5
c. i see a lot of people roleplaying out their major character events... in the icc. it just adds this horrible phoniness to it all, and i know not everyone has time to post, but people should really consider that if you want this to be a realistic site, you have to try hard. yes, it may be easy to rp things in icc and get it done with, but it's really no fun!
[/i][/size][/quote] ...do people actually do this? see, that's um. that's not what the icc is supposed to be for. like, a small party thing with a couple of people is fine for icc, but. no. a big event should not be allowed to happen.[/blockquote][/blockquote][/blockquote][/size] [/font]
Post by ursareid on Jun 18, 2011 18:11:50 GMT -5
i've seen major break ups, cheating revelations, and family fights all occur in icc, plus some. if we roleplayed these out in threads, we'd have more option for thread of the month, as i know people struggle with picking one - probably because the pickings are so spare!
Post by jamesmichael on Jun 18, 2011 18:12:06 GMT -5
The reason we don't have periodic dances: If people don't show interest in one type of site wide event, we basically stop doing it. The dance didn't work the first time, so we stopped it. We tried a huge site wide party, didn't work. We tried the masquerade, didn't work.
I was actually one of the people that didn't want ICC. I know what it creates. I've been on sites that have it. I don't agree with it, but I use it still. It creates problems with characters that would normally never interact. It gives people reasons not to thread.
People make characters that know each other because then they have a plot right off the bat. Its something that they can do instead of just jumping onto the site knowing nothing, and then maybe never getting plots. I'm fine with people knowing each other. Its not weird for me. So I'm not making a rule against it.
The advertising thing has to go through all the main admins. Which means Me, Krista, Tangle, AND Marcie all have to pass it. With Krista not being as active because she's busy, and I never know when she's going to be on.
This past activity check me, gabby, krista, and a few others all got rid of characters we didn't use. Then anyone not posting during that time was deleted. I don't agree with a site wide event being an activity check. I don't like it. If I don't have muse for that event, I won't post. Simple as that.
I don't agree with IM threads either, but that's just me. People wanted them, so we created the forum. I don't agree with many things on this site, but I agree with them for you guys.
If my muse dies. It takes more than ICC to get it back. Not everyone can just go in ICC for about an hour and have muse again. It doesn't work that way for everyone. To be honest, usually I have to take a day break, or even more to get it back. Otherwise my posts are shit. And 200 words for some people MAY be hard. My last post? 160 something words.... why? My muse was down, but I still posted.
Post by jamesmichael on Jun 18, 2011 18:13:58 GMT -5
i've seen major break ups, cheating revelations, and family fights all occur in icc, plus some. if we roleplayed these out in threads, we'd have more option for thread of the month, as i know people struggle with picking one - probably because the pickings are so spare!
[/blockquote][/blockquote][/blockquote][/justify][/quote] cheating revelations is because usually people won't find out about them. Access to a 'school chat' means that word will get around. And they'll find out somehow. I'm never able to pick a thread of the month because usually I can't even read a persons thread because I'm so busy.
Post by hugheyvandaan on Jun 18, 2011 18:31:35 GMT -5
The reason we don't have periodic dances: If people don't show interest in one type of site wide event, we basically stop doing it. The dance didn't work the first time, so we stopped it. We tried a huge site wide party, didn't work. We tried the masquerade, didn't work.
I was actually one of the people that didn't want ICC. I know what it creates. I've been on sites that have it. I don't agree with it, but I use it still. It creates problems with characters that would normally never interact. It gives people reasons not to thread.
If my muse dies. It takes more than ICC to get it back. Not everyone can just go in ICC for about an hour and have muse again. It doesn't work that way for everyone. To be honest, usually I have to take a day break, or even more to get it back. Otherwise my posts are shit. And 200 words for some people MAY be hard. My last post? 160 something words.... why? My muse was down, but I still posted.
[/quote] well, something has to be done to make people post in sitewide events. that's why they're called sitewide events. if people don't make at least one post in it, ban them from icc for a week or something. i was once on a site that did that and it worked wonderfully (and was also the biggest high school rp pb site). the icc is just supposed to be a place to go while waiting for a reply or if you're bored and have a low muse. if people aren't threading regularly, ben them from icc until they do. it does work and it gets people active. if your muse is down and you don't want to icc, there are still a million things you can do to make yourself active. post in the games, do anything! just don't sit there. [/blockquote][/blockquote][/blockquote][/size][/justify][/font][/sup]
Post by jamesmichael on Jun 18, 2011 18:33:59 GMT -5
I really don't agree with forcing someone to post somewhere if they don't have muse/don't want to/whatever reason they have. I wouldn't want that forced upon me, so I won't do it to others.
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Posts: 2
Post by michi on Jun 18, 2011 18:38:39 GMT -5
You don't have to make people do anything. They do what they can do. Even once a week is good enough for most people because of the time they have. I won't be posting as much because, one I have a job that is more important than any kind of rp, two, I do stuff first before I even consider rping like my novel or art, and three, because half the time I don't feel like it half the time. Forcing people to post just because you don't think its active enough is pointless. Can't force them for one, they are free to do what they want, and another thing they can do whatever they want with their characters. Yes the malexmale is more than the normal couples but that's how people like it and rp. If you can't wait, go join another site to rp at while you're waiting or something.
Post by hugheyvandaan on Jun 18, 2011 18:47:32 GMT -5
i feel like you guys are getting frustrated with me. @.@ honestly, this was not meant to be that kind of thread. i'm only trying to help sy get back on its feet again. people are supposed to post regularly, that's the entire point of rp. i'm not trying to make it so anyone feels controlled or anything. i'm trying to make it so people have some kind of direction. sy is dying and i don't want it to die, that's the only reason why i made this thread.
Post by jamesmichael on Jun 18, 2011 18:55:37 GMT -5
i feel like you guys are getting frustrated with me. @.@ honestly, this was not meant to be that kind of thread. i'm only trying to help sy get back on its feet again. people are supposed to post regularly, that's the entire point of rp. i'm not trying to make it so anyone feels controlled or anything. i'm trying to make it so people have some kind of direction. sy is dying and i don't want it to die, that's the only reason why i made this thread.
The summer's upon us all. we're busy. the site will lose SOME of its activity, I understand that. When I get back into my normal summer schedule I'll be fine. But since this time I don't always have Krista like I have, its harder. I have Tangle and Marcie. Krista is there sometimes, but unlike Tangle and Marcie, I DON'T know when she'll be on next. It could be later tonight, it could be tomorrow, or even the next day. With Marcie and Tangle I know that its about everyday. I'll have to talk everything over WITH them. We'll probably start a huge MSN group chat later or something, but until I have at least Marcie and Tangle, and or Krista it can't happen. Nothing can change until all the admins meet up.
Post by cameron elizabeth lynn on Jun 18, 2011 20:10:26 GMT -5
staff is talking this over now.